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We washed up together but I never got round to sending a carrier pigeon your way. Probably because I was too busy getting my legs ripped off by various wild beasts at the time. If you're still around, let me know, it would be good to get in touch and share some information.

To TYRANID From PEACE AND GOODWILL ( ray_whitney@hotmail.com )

Seems I somehow roped you into an Ancestral Ceremony. Um... didn't see you there. Sorry. Anyway, if you wanna get back to me so we can share some info, let me know. I don't have any of your details.

To all......From CRITICAL BARRY

Are you a lonely Fuvite with no-one to issue delayed transfers to? Nade a disciple but dont know where any Fuvah temples are? Been wandering aimlessy in search of a far inn? or have you just washed ashore and dont know what to do next? They why not join `Shadow Cult`? Beginners or experienced monsters are equally Welcome. Contact

Matt McLean,Woodside, Potbridge, Nr Odiham, Hants, RG29 1JN.....or.....oneemjay@hotmail.com.


Baddu-Bac officially welcomes Fryball into the Brotherhood of Bad Company, who recently swore the oath of initiation at a Temple in Southern Jagged Mor. Let it be known that this monster now has the protection of the Brotherhood. Swabber & Swoopstake young Furrcat.


Greetings, noble master. Once again I thank you for placing me under your protection and tutelage. I can only hope that I can carry the banner forward and prove myself worthy of this honour!

To All From Anaxagore


OOOOOpppsss, It seems I forgot something last time..Here is my address anax1978@yahoo.fr


To Blood Alliance From Anaximandre


Are you still alive? Please, drop me a line.


To Newbies From Anax


Welcome guys. It is good to see that this Island is repopulating.Have fun J


To Slither From Anaxagore & Groumf


Neophyte turn 3. Acolyte turn 11. Disciple turn 29 (Anaxagore). What do you say about that?? Oh, by the way Groumf has Class 4 level 4 at turn 15..STOP BRAGGING!!!!


To All From Eternal Void


Eternal Void have been the most active Dark Group on Monster Island in last
couple of years. In that time we have rebuilt temples and  four towers. We
have been actively recruiting new members one has already been initiated and
three are on their way to rendezvous to become official.
Our four towers are in Zargnoth, Xoxmox's Tower, Wizards Assistant Osidiradadumpf
Tower Stay
TI 7 Get 8
TI 5 Pay 11
TI 3 Pay 26
TI 1 Pay 79
Sell to Tower
Black Voodoo Item Good
Temple Treasure High
Purchase From Wizard
P1 Jade Snake Ring 45
P2 Ancient Silver Spike 325
P3 Crimson Chalice 210
P4 Dragonbone 135
P5 Dragonbone Necklace 400
Tower Magic
TX 7 Ever Lasting Breath 250
TX 8 Teleport Item 330
Non Spell Instruction
TK 2 Elixir of Poison 250
TK 4 Scarab of Protection 275
TK 6 Troll Magic 25
Collect Bounty
Brass Rings 31
Brass Amulets 33
Blackbone Rings  36
Xamfirs Tower
Wizards Assistant Beowulf
Tower Stay
TI 7 Get 7
TI 5 Pay 12
TI 3 Pay 29
TI 1 Pay 79
Sell to Tower
Black Voodoo Items Poor
Temple Treasures Great
Purchase From Wizard
P1 Jade Snake Ring 45
P2 Ancient Silver Spike 325
P3 Dragon Flagon 257
P4 Silver Plated Armour 90
P5 Great Tomk Necklace 125
Tower Magic
TX 7 Ripen Plant 235
TX 8 Magic Knife 300
Non Spell Instruction
TK 2 Scarab of Strength 375
TK 4 Elixir of Lethargy 150
TK 6 Wizard Magic 25
Collect Bounty
Brass Rings 31
Brass Amulets 33
Blackbone Rings 31
Xozmirs Tower
Wizards Assistant Quuggolan Santorin
Tower Stay
TI 7 Get 7
TI 5 Pay 13
TI 3 Pay 21
TI 1 Pay 80
Sell to Tower
Black Voodoo Items OK
Temple Treasures  Good
Purchase From Wizard
P1 Dragon Flagon 257
P2 Ancient Silver Spike 325
P3 Iron Stein 210
P4 Wooden Bodden Statue 125
P5 Dragonbone 135
Tower Magic
TX 7 Magic Silver 250
TX 8 Magic Machete 335
Non Spell Instruction
TK 2 Silver Lotus Elixir 325
TK 4 Spider Climb 200
TK 6 Troll Magic 25
Collect Bounty
Brass Rings 34
Brass Amulets 31
Blackbone Rings 31
Xuxmuxs Tower
Wizards Assistant Big Bad Mama
Tower Stay
TI 7 Get 8
TI 5 Pay 12
TI 3 Pay 29
TI 1 Pay 79
Sell to Tower
Black Voodoo Items Good
Temple Treasures Okay
Purchase From Wizard
P1 Dragonbone 135
P2 Ancient Iron Spike 325
P3 Dragonbone Necklace 400
P4 Crimson Chalice 210
P5 Silver Plated Armour 90
Tower Magic
TX 7 Magic Rope 335
TX 8 Certain Direction 285
Non Spell Instruction
TK 2 Battle Grease 225
TK 4 Spider Climb 200
TK 6 Troll Magic 25
Collect Bounty
Brass Rings 40
Brass Amulets 36
Blackbone Rings 34
In addition to the four towers we built we have access to another two and are

always willing to swap access to towers with other groups.
We are currently looking for new members or contacts with some of the less
active Shroud Groups. Our members are currently searching out new tower and
temple sites and have embarked up Shrouds Quest for the Priesthood and
various Wizard Quests.... If u wise to contact Eternal Void , contact me and i will contact them for you..


TO ZORANNA From Sinestro

Hi.. Do u still play??? If u do can I have permission I to enter your Tower Xamadu..Contact me by email or post....my contact details are at the bottom of the news letter..

Lawrence aka Sinestro

To : Any shroudian interested From : Anaxagore

 I have found a PigIron mail recently but I cannot equip it yet because I only have 475 muscle and you by need 850 to equip so I would like to exchange it with anyone who could equip it and have something useful for me.Note, I will only trade with shroudians as I am one!

To Lady EETA-LOT From Nobby
Hi, Bumped into you in the Temple Teasure room. Can you drop me a line at Craig Young, 55 Hunter Street, Dunoon. PA23 8JR UK. Shroud worshippers must stick together. I'm interested in swapping info etc.
Craig aka Nobby of EV

Hey, I've just found one!!! Applause! :)
There will be a major outbreak of headaches
pretty soon :):)
To All From Anaxagore
Let it be known that I am no more leader of KAOS.
I am now a proud member of EV.
So KAOS should now be considered as inactive...
(I am no longer contact for KAOS)

 From Anaxagore To All ladies near Blazing Arrowhead

Come girls, we need you at the inn,
a party is held and it is not funny without you
as there are no Kabukites to bash!

 From Anaxagore
To all clever Shroudian (I know all clever guys follow SHROUD)

Remember EV is the most
powerfull and active Shroud group on this Island...
EV is the only solution!
To all From Bimon
Does anyone out there remember Bimon (1017) and Blinding Dawn? Bimon woke up again. He has slept for several years (460 gameweeks) and now has some catch-up turns to do. I would like to get in contact with other players on this island because I have forgotten most of the important things about MI. Bimon is a Norman and in central Gwardon region.
If u wish 2 contact bimon contact me first..
To All
From Vlad Zin Shadowson
During my prolonged hibernation I had a dream, a dream sent to me by Fuvah himself. In this dream he told me that it was time to show once and for all that there can e only ONE God on this island, the real God, Fuvah. He told me that it was time to lay aside petty issues like groups and unite under one flag, under one group. With most of the MLF still in hibernation there could be only one choice as to which group I (and all other Fuvites for that matter) should unite in, Bad Company. So I Vlad Zin Shadowson, have now joined this mighty group of fearless and powerful Fuvites.
All you who follow the path of the False Gods Kabuki and Shroud, your time has come, the time for the Great Cleansing has finally arrived, the genocide shall begin and you shall all be shown the error of your ways. You shall be hunted down and you shall all be slain, your soul claimed for the True One. I promise you this, we the followers of the One, shall not rest untill the last of you followers of the False Gods have been slain, all your temples have been desecrated and all your prayerstones and oblisks have been destroyed. When the last trace of the False Gods have been removed from this island we shall rest, not one pass of the sun before that.
To All Fatties
From Vlad Zin Shadowson
My life now have a higher purpose than killing all you abomintions, so you can feel safe in, at least for the moment being. Except those of you following the false Gods of course, it will be a real pleasure hunting down and killing you. So run Fatties follower of Kubuki and Shroud run, oh sorry I forgot, you can't....
To All followers of the True God
From Vlad Zin Shadowson
My brothers and sisters in faith, see the true shadow as I have, come join Bad Company, the most powerful group pf Fuvites on this island. Come join us in the Great Cleansing and help us remove the followers of the False Gods. Each on our own are fearless machines of destruction, together we are an unresistable army, we are Legion. Unitted we can lay waste to this entire island if we wanted, but that is not our purpose, for why would we harm what belongs to Fuvah? No, we shall lay waste to all that belongs to the two False Gods Kabuki and Shroud, their tempels and their followers.
Come join us, come join the most powerful group on this island. In this group you will find the most powerful, most advanced and most knowlegedable monsters, those who came here on some of the very first ships. The members of Bad Company, now that the MLF have started to merge with them, have helped rebuild almost all of the Fuvah temples on this island today, we have rebuild more Towers than anyone else, we have explored more of this island than any other group, and we have since the time this island was discovered been at the very forefront of everything, and we will continue to do so. So see the truth spoken by Fuvah himself and come join us, no matter where you are.
To all Neophytes and Acolytes of Kabuki and Shroud
From Vlad Zin Shadowson
You the Neophytes and Acolytes of the Falso Gods, you have yet a choice, renounce the way of those False Gods, join the True Path that is Fuvah. It is not yet too late for you to turn back and join the One, only those who have become their Disciples are truly doomed. Ask and any member of Bad Company will show you the way to leave your False God and join the Shadow. Those of you who have been so foolish as to become Disciples of these pathetic Gods are not so lucky, your souls will be havested for the One, but when you stand before him you might beg for salvation and he might sow mercy upon you and clean you so you too can join the One, or he might throw you to the pit and make you slaves to serve those brave Fuvites who have fallen in combat.
When we meet any Neophytes or Acolytes we might spare your life so you can correct the error you have made, or we might slay you for your foolisness. You made your choice and you have now been warned, stay with your False Gods and you shall all die. The Great Cleansing has begone, and we shall show no mercy. If any of us slay a monster much younger than ourselves some might call us cowards picking on those who would not stand a chance, but this is WAR and anyone old enough to choose which God they want to follow is also old enough to die for his God.
To All those who have not yet picked a religious path
From Vlad Zin Shadowson
I beg of you, choose the One, choose Fuvah. Do not waste your life and endanger you soul be following one of the False Gods, those who do will all end up dead. Instead join the One and join Bad Company, together we will make this island what is was always meant to be, the Great Temple of Fuvah, where the Shadow will protect us from any harm, where we can discover the lost treasures of the ancinet civilisations that were here in ancient time. So make the right decision and come join us, or we will come to you and show you your errors with the tip of a spear and the edge of a sword. It is your choice, and your death if you make the wrong one.....
To : everyone
 From : Groumf

I proudly announce that I am now a member

To : Baddu-Bac
 From : Groumf

Thanks a lot guy for the initiation
and for all that stuff you've left in my pockets!


New kabuki temple at 37,68(bad company`s co-ords)  temple# 625